The 7 Mistakes that May Hurt Your Car Accident Claim

If you are involved in a car accident, the situation is not only overwhelming, but it can actually be quite expensive. Even crashes that only involve property damage can account for up to 30 percent of the costs of a car accident in the U.S., according to the NHTSA.

Car Accident Lawyer

If you are injured, this will only add to the cost. If you are involved in a car accident, it is crucial you know how to avoid the most common mistakes, which will help you maximize your recovery while reducing out-of-pocket costs.

Mistake: Not Documenting the Car Accident

If you are physically able, you need to document the accident scene. Begin by taking videos and photos of the damages to your vehicle, the other person’s vehicle and any injuries you or someone else may have suffered. It is also a good idea to take notes on what you remember happening and speak to witnesses who may have seen the accident.

Mistake: Not Exchanging Information at the Car Accident Scene

Be sure that you get the other person’s information. This includes their full name, phone numbers, home address, email address, driver’s license number and insurance information. Also, make sure to get the contact information from any witnesses that you spoke to in case the police or your car accident attorney wants to speak to them.

Mistake: Saying “Your Sorry” After a Car Accident

After you are involved in a car accident, if you happen to say, “I’m sorry” you may believe you are just being polite. However, you need to think about your words carefully. If you say this, it may be used against you in the future as an admittance of your fault. Avoid doing this to protect your ability to recover compensation.

Mistake: Not Calling the Police after a Car Accident

You may think you can handle the situation on your own. However, the police are an objective third party. They can take statements from everyone involved and these reports can be extremely beneficial if you hire an attorney to make a claim down the road for the damages and injuries you suffered.

Mistake: Exaggerating the Facts of the Car Accident to the Police

If you give your statement to the police, you need to only give what facts you remember. Don’t try to exaggerate what happened or the other driver’s role in the accident. Just relay the facts.

Mistake: Not Seeking Medical Attention after a Car Accident

After you call the police, then an ambulance may also arrive. You should allow them to check and also treat any injuries you have sustained. If it is suggested that you seek additional medical treatment by the EMTs, then don’t refuse. You can recoup these costs in your injury claim and the documentation can help to prove the injuries you claim.

Mistake: Not Following Your Doctor’s Orders after a Car Accident

The process of recovering from your car accident injuries needs to be your main goal. This will let insurance companies know that you take your injuries seriously and ensures that you get the treatment you need.

If you are injured in a car accident, you should make sure you don’t make the aforementioned mistakes. If you need help filing a car accident injury claim, make sure to contact the team of attorneys at Hilton & Somer by calling 703-560-0700.

Additional reading

Common Myths About Personal Injury Claims

How to Prevent Drowsy Driving Car Accidents