How the Distracted Brain Causes Car Accidents

You hear a lot about distracted driving and how it is a significant cause of car accidents in the U.S. every year. One report has found that there are nine fatalities due to distracted driving every day. And you probably know some of the most common types of distracted driving which include:

  • Eating
  • Chatting With Passengers
  • Applying Makeup
  • Texting-While-Driving (including with a hands-free device)
  • Using a GPS Device
  • Reading
  • Watching Video
  • Using Mobile Device To Check Social Media

But the question that’s more important is this: Do you know why the brain gets distracted and why it can’t focus on more than one activity while you’re driving?

Let’s try to answer that question so you understand how the distracted brain works, and why you need to stop this type of dangerous behavior.

What Happens In the Distracted Brain To Cause Car Accidents 

Car Accidents Attorney Most people use the term ‘multi-tasking’ to describe their ability to perform multiple tasks at the same time.

But recent studies have found that the brain doesn’t actually work that way, and instead shuttles between two or more tasks.

What this means is that if you are driving and you decide to do something else, such as talking on your mobile phone, your brain doesn’t give equal attention to both tasks at the same time.

In fact, your brain actually whips back and forth between your driving and your texting, which means neither task is getting the full focus and concentration it deserves.

Even worse is the fact that dividing your attention between tasks also creates ‘blind spots,’ which means that you miss important visual cues such as a red light or a stop sign.

And because the brain isn’t fully focused on driving, your reaction time is also slowed down, leaving you much more vulnerable if something unexpected occurs on the road.

Studies have also found that when you are talking on a mobile phone while driving, the effort it takes for your brain to form words and understand what the other person is saying, decreases cognitive function for driving.

And don’t think you’re safe because you’re on a hands-free mobile device, because research has found that it’s not the act of holding the phone that causes the distraction, but rather the brain’s ability to focus on both your driving and your conversation.

Get the Help of An Experienced Car Accident Injury Lawyer 

After suffering injuries in a car accident, you may feel confused, angry, and unable to concentrate on simple, daily tasks. That’s why it’s so important for you to hire experienced attorneys to protect your rights.

The team at Hilton & Somer, LLC, has the experience necessary to help you obtain rightful compensation from injuries caused in a car accident that wasn’t your fault. There are many factors that can affect the amount of your settlement, and our attorneys know how to navigate through the challenges presented by these types of claims. We know that car accidents can have long-term consequences that are not only physical, but also psychological. Our job is to help ensure that your recovery is as short as possible. Please call us today at (703) 560-0700 for a free consultation. We look forward to hearing from you.

Additional Reading

6 Ways Passengers Can Help Avoid Car Accidents

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