Are You Too Tired to Drive?

Are You Too Tired to Drive?

Are You Too Tired to DriveIn recent years, tiredness has become one of the primary contributing factors in car accidents. Studies suggest that tiredness due to even moderate lack of sleep significantly affects driving performance and is comparable to low-level drunk driving. Road accidents that occur due to tiredness and fatigue are often more severe because the reaction times of the driver are delayed.

When it comes to drowsy driving, identifying signs of fatigue and negligence can be extremely helpful to ensure your safety on the road. Listed below are some of the most common signs that you are too tired to drive:

Daydreaming and Spacing Out

When it comes to driving, your brain often becomes tired before your body does. This is because you have to pay attention to a lot of things and respond to multiple environmental conditions while driving. When your brain starts to wear down, it’s common for you to start daydreaming and spacing out.

Losing Track of Time

Losing track of time or temporarily blacking out can be another sign that you are too tired to drive. If you can’t recall driving the last few miles, you need to stop.

Becoming Distracted Easily

Daydreaming and losing track of time aren’t the only mental signs of drowsy driving. Fatigue can also cause you to easily get distracted by minor stimulants, e.g. phone ringing, bystanders, etc. While these distractions may only last for a few seconds, they still take up valuable time that’s needed to react to a danger.

Slower Response Time

Fatigue can change how you perceive the road as well as how you react to it. When you are tired, your driving skills noticeably deteriorate. Reduced control of the wheel and slower response time are some of the primary examples of this. In some cases, tiredness can also cause you to follow other cars too closely, hitting rumble strips, slowing down and speeding up, swerving from lane to lane, making erratic decisions, and more.

Feeling Tired and/or Uncomfortable

This is the most obvious sign. Signs of tiredness often include a feeling of stiff muscles, yawning, head nodding, and dry eyes. If you experience any of these symptoms, then you shouldn’t try to push through it as it can make you even more tired. Instead, it is recommended that you pull over, preferably at a rest stop, and reenergize yourself with fresh air, water, food, and maybe even a nap.

In conclusion, these are some of the most common signs of being too tired to drive. Don’t ignore any of these telltale signs as doing so can create a potentially dangerous situation for you and other motorists on the road. Unfortunately, even if you identify the signs of drowsy driving, you cannot fully minimize the risk of accident. This is because some drivers don’t take this condition seriously. If you are involved in a crash with a drowsy driver, be sure to hold them accountable for their actions. Contact an experienced car accident lawyer for assistance.

Hilton & Somer, LLC: Car Accident Attorneys located in Fairfax and licensed to practice in Virginia, Maryland and in the District of Columbia

If you have been injured in a car accident due to someone driving while drowsy, or falling asleep at the wheel, contact the trusted Car Accident Attorneys at Hilton & Somer, LLC today to receive your free consultation. You can reach out to us through our online contact form, or by calling (703) 560-0700.
