Caffeine Intoxication & Driving

Caffeine Intoxication & Driving

Caffeine Intoxication & DrivingIt is commonly known that driving while drowsy can be extremely dangerous and could potentially cause an accident.  However, what is far less known and reported, is the danger of driving while drinking excessive amounts of caffeine or other stimulants, commonly contained in energy drinks.

With the continued increase in the popularity of energy drinks, more research is being conducted on the dangers of driving while caffeine intoxicated.  In fact, the National Safety Commission issued an alert revealing that large amounts of caffeine can make a driver anxious, testy, uneasy, and agitated.  Driving in these excited or overamped states can lead to poor decision making on the road.  Adding to this, when the high amounts of caffeine begin to wear off, especially if the driver is already sleep deprived, studies have shown that the driver has a much more difficult time staying awake and can actually very easily fall asleep on the road.

The important take away is that if you are using an excessive amount of energy drinks, or excessive amounts of caffeine while driving, you are altering your state of mind in a way that could result in poor decision making and anxiety resulting in angered or aggressive driving.  Additionally, if you are using excessive caffeine and stimulants to try and stay awake, you are creating a risk to yourself and to others by getting behind the wheel.  Research has also shown that just one hour after drinking a highly caffeinated and sugared drink, tired drivers can experience serious lapses in concentration and slower reaction times as the drink wears off.  If you feel the need to drink more than a moderate amount of caffeine, i.e. 1 – 2 cups of coffee, to stay awake on the road, you should not be getting behind the wheel in the first place.

If you, or someone you love, have been injured in a motor vehicle accident caused by someone’s reckless or enraged driving, or by someone falling asleep at the wheel, you should contact a reliable personal injury attorney who specializes in car accidents today!

Hilton & Somer, LLC: Maryland, Virginia and District of Columbia Auto Accident Attorneys

The trusted and experienced car accident attorneys at Hilton & Somer, LLC work on a contingency fee basis.  This means that you pay nothing unless we recover monetary compensation on your behalf.  If you have been injured due to another driver’s recklessness, time is of the essence.  Contact us today to schedule a free consultation (703) 560-0700 !

References for “Caffeine Intoxication & Driving”: