Dangers of Speeding

Most often, drunk driving receives a lot of bad press (and for good reason) but in practice, speeding is riskier and should be taken more seriously. It is one of the major causes of car accident injuries and deaths. Unfortunately, drivers who drive faster than what the weather or road conditions allow for, or those who exceed the speed limit, not only put themselves in dangers but also compromise the safety of others on the road, e.g., motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians, etc.

Speeding Accidents Statistics

Studies show that human error is the cause of over 90% of road accidents and speeding is one of the most common factors. Here are some statistics:

  • In 2020, speeding was a key factor in 29% of all car accident deaths, killing on average 30 people per day.
  • The year 2020 saw a 17% increase in speeding-related fatalities.
  • About 30% of car accidents are credited to reckless drivers’ speed.

Common Causes of Speeding Accidents

Driving at high speed can have serious effects. It can directly affect your reaction time and your ability to react to various changes on the road. There are many circumstances that lead to speeding accidents. These include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Street racing
  • Sudden unintentional acceleration
  • Attempting to escape law enforcement
  • Distracted driving
  • Drunk driving
  • Trying to beat a yellow light, or speeding through an intersection

Preventing Speeding Accidents

Since speeding falls into the category of reckless driving, a conscious action by the driver can help prevent high-speed accidents. Here are some tips that should be followed:

  • Never drive distracted.
  • Always put your seatbelt on, even if you are a passenger in the vehicle.
  • Steer clear of drivers who drive recklessly, drive above the speed limit, or make dangerous maneuvers.
  • Report suspicious behavior of other motorists on the road to minimize the risk of an accident.
  • Concentrate fully and be aware of the situation on the road.

Compensation for Victims

High-speed accidents can lead to serious injuries or even death in certain cases. Such accidents fall under the negligence driving category. Victims of speeding accidents have a right to file a case against a negligent driver to seek compensation for their pain, losses, and suffering. If the driver is proven negligent, they may be held liable and shoulder all the expenses needed by the victim to pay for lost wages, medical bills, disability, and more.

Hilton & Somer, LLC: Car Accident Attorneys located in Fairfax and licensed to practice in Virginia, Maryland and in the District of Columbia

Even though speeding is prohibited, many drivers unfortunately still don’t follow the posted speed limits. When their negligence and recklessness lead to an accident, they should be held accountable for their actions. If you, or someone you love, has been injured contact the experienced car accident attorneys at Hilton & Somer, LLC today! Let us help get you the compensation you deserve! Let us handle the legal process for you while you focus on your recovery. Contact us at (703) 560-0700 to schedule a free consultation.


