Fisher-Price Issues Product Recall after Infant Deaths

Fisher-Price Issues Product Recall after Infant Deaths

image of fisher-price rock n' play sleeper recall

In April 2019, Fisher-Price and the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) issued warnings to parents and caregivers regarding one of their popular sleepers. This warning came after the company received numerous reports of infant deaths associated with using the product. According to reports, 10 babies were killed when they rolled from their backs to their stomachs while they were unrestrained in the sleeper. 

In the past, the CPSC had issued warnings telling parents to always use the three-point restraint system when using infant-reclined sleep products. They also recommended that parents and caregivers stop using this product after babies were old enough to roll over to reduce the risk of injury or death. All 10 babies were over the age of three months at the time of their deaths. 

Just two months later, Fisher-Price issued a massive recall of 4.7 million of its Rock n’ Play sleepers after more reports of infant deaths emerged. The company voluntarily recalled all models after the American Academy of Pediatrics urged them to recall the dangerous sleepers. 

However, the announcement to recall the Rock n’ Play sleepers came only after a Consumer Reports investigation into the safety of these sleepers found that the Rock n’ Play was tied to at least 32 infant deaths since it was introduced in 2009. 

Incline Baby Sleepers are Dangerous

The Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has long warned that incline sleepers do not meet current safe sleep guidelines. Incline sleepers like the Rock n’ Play sleeper increase the risk of an infant suffocating or strangling while sleeping. To be safe, parents should follow the AAP safe sleep guidelines, which include:

  • Babies should sleep on their back at all times
  • Babies should sleep on a firm surface
  • Bedding should be free from bumpers or pillows
  • No soft bedding or stuffed toys
  • If the baby falls asleep in a car seat or swing, the baby should be moved to a firm surface as soon as possible
  • Never sleep with a baby
  • Pacifiers can reduce the risk of SIDS

Parents and caregivers who own a Rock n’ Play Sleeper can contact Fisher-Price for a refund or a voucher.  The refund option, however, will only be offered to consumers who have owned the sleeper for less than six months. Families who purchased the sleeper longer ago will only be offered a voucher that they can redeem for a new Fisher-Price product. 

Filing a Defective Product Lawsuit

If your child has been injured because of a defective product, such as the Rock n’ Play sleeper, you may be able to recover damages with the help of an experienced Virginia product liability lawyer. Your attorney will review your potential case to determine if you have a claim to make against the product manufacturer, retailer, or distributor. 

In many cases, you may be eligible to join a class action lawsuit; however, product liability cases are complicated and require the services of a law firm with extensive experience handling these complex cases. 

Contact the leading Product Liability Lawyers at Hilton & Somer, LLC Today

If you or someone you love has been injured by a defective product in Fairfax VA, Washington DC, or anywhere in Maryland, you may face a long and painful recovery process. 

At Hilton & Somer, LLC, our Fairfax product liability lawyers know that these accidents are particularly catastrophic and often result in long-term disability and even fatalities. When this occurs, you need a lawyer on your side with the experience and resources needed to tackle these complex cases. Contact us at 703-560-0700 for a free initial consultation and review of your case. We are here when you need us the most – and we will fight for you every step of the way. 

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