Top Ten Types of Car Accident Injuries

Top Ten Types of Car Accident Injuries

Top Ten Types of Car Accident InjuriesAccording to the CDC, 3 million people are injured in motor vehicle accidents yearly, just in the United States!  While modern safety measures, like seatbelts, airbags, and improved braking systems, have drastically improved the survival rate of these accidents, injuries of all types continue to occur.  And, sadly, nearly 90 people per day still die from injuries occurred in motor vehicle accidents in the United States.

Dependent on the accident type, some types of injuries are more commonplace than others.  For instance, in Rear-End Motor Vehicle Accidents whiplash is a common injury.  However, in T-Bone Motor Vehicle Accidents, broken bones, and more serious injuries, like head trauma and organ damage, are more commonplace.

Here is a list of the top ten common types of Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries:

  1. Whiplash
  2. Concussions
  3. Bruising
  4. Injuries Incurred from Airbag
  5. Neck Injuries
  6. Back Injuries
  7. Traumatic Brain Injuries
  8. PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)
  9. Broken Bones
  10. Internal Bleeding

While always wearing your seatbelt, driving cautiously and without distractions, and abiding by the rules of the road dramatically reduces your risk to be involved in an accident, accidents continue to occur.  If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, caused by someone else’s negligence, contact a Motor Vehicle Accident Attorney to learn if you are entitled to compensation.

Hilton & Somer, LLC: Motor Vehicle Accident Attorneys

One of the biggest misconceptions people have regarding hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer to help with a motor vehicle accident case is that they think they will have to pay money up front.  The Motor Vehicle Accident Attorneys at Hilton & Somer, LLC work on a contingency basis, which means that you are only required to pay if we win compensation on your behalf.  This means zero upfront fees. If you have questions regarding what your legal options are, contact us today via our online form, or call us now (703) 560-0700.

References for “Top Ten Types of Car Accident Injuries”:
