Types of Burn Injuries

Types of Burn Injuries
Types of Burn InjuriesSerious burns can occur in various environments, and sometimes it’s not really anyone’s fault. However, there are cases where carelessness or someone’s lack of attention can lead to unexpected injuries or accidents. No matter the circumstances, if you are suffering from a serious burn injury caused by someone else’s fault, know that you have the right to file a burn injury claim for compensation.

Read on to learn about the various types of burns; their severity; common causes;  the compensation available for these injuries; and how to proceed legally.

Types of Burns

There are four different types of burns. They include the following:

  • Thermal Burns: A thermal burn occurs when you come in contact with boiling liquids or steam, flames, or hot objects.
  • Chemical Burns: Chemical burns are caused by skin contact with strong bases or strong acids and often involve workplace accidents or exposure.
  • Electrical Burns: As the term suggests, these occur from electrical current. They cause damage below the skin.
  • Radiation Burns: Excessive exposure to radiation from radiation therapy, x-rays, sunlamps, or tanning booths can cause a radiation burn.

Classification of Burn Injuries

Following are the four classifications of burn injuries:

  • First-degree Burns: These are superficial. They only affect the epidermis – the outer skin layer. Sunburn is the most common type of first-degree burn.
  • Second-degree Burns: These reach the skin’s second layer and often damage the underlying tissue. They can lead to permanent scarring.
  • Third-degree Burns: They are called full thickness burns. The victim may or may not feel pain depending on the burn.
  • Fourth-degree Burns: The most extreme case of burns. Fourth-degree burns destroy the nerve endings and it can take years to recover from such devastating injuries.

Common Causes of Burn Injuries

You may be entitled to file a burn injury claim if you suffered a burn injury due to someone else’s recklessness or negligence. Determining the cause of the burn is one of the initial steps in a burn injury claim. The most common causes include the following:

  • Car accident
  • Chemical spill
  • Electrocution
  • Home or building fire
  • Gas explosion
  • Defective product
  • Assault or abuse
  • Work accident

Compensation Available for Burn Victims

By filing a burn injury claim, you may be entitled to compensation for:

  • Hospital and doctor bills.
  • Pain and suffering based on your injury’s severity.
  • Lost wages due to absence from work after a burn injury.

What to Do After a Burn Injury?

Your ability to receive the proper compensation for a burn injury depends on the steps you take after the accident. For a successful claim for damages, it is recommended that you talk with a lawyer as soon as possible. Before you do so, you should have all the relevant information relating to your burn injury and the circumstances surrounding the incident, including any other documentation available to you, for example, instruction manuals, etc.  If possible, take photos of the hazard or object that caused the injury. You should also seek emergency medical care should you need it at that time. Afterwards, you can consult with a burn injury lawyer who will advise you and recommend the right course of action in order for you to recover what you are legally entitled to.

Dealing with the consequences of a severe burn, scarring, pain, and medical bills resulting from the injury, could be overwhelming.  Let one of our experienced burn injury lawyers at Hilton & Somer, LLC help you seek compensation and justice for your damages from the party responsible for these injuries.

Hilton & Somer, LLC: Burn Injury Attorneys located in Fairfax and licensed to practice in Virginia, Maryland and in the District of Columbia

If you have suffered a serious burn injury, contact the experienced Burn Injury Attorneys at Hilton & Somer, LLC for a free consultation (703) 560-0700.  All cases are handled on a contingency basis, meaning you pay no attorney fees unless we are successful.


