E-Scooter Accidents & Injuries

E-Scooter Accidents & Injuries

E-Scooter Accidents & InjuriesWith the increasing popularity of E- scooters, serious injuries associated with their use have also increased.  Research shows that the rates of accidents are increasing day by day.

Easy mode of transportation:

E-scooters are an easy mode of transportation; therefore, individuals widely use them. People find them quite convenient, and they are also comparatively less expensive to owning a car or taking a ride share. They are eco-friendly, lightweight, and practical. These E-scooters are perfect for the heavy traffic of the city.

Risks associated with the use of E-scooters:

With the increase in usage of E-scooters comes a flood of other problems. One of them is the increase in accident rates of E-scooters. Research shows that from 2014-2019 there have been more than 70,000 injuries as a result of e-scooters.

 Tips to help avoid these accidents and prevent injuries:


  1. Ride on the street: 

You should protect yourself and pedestrians on the sidewalk by always riding on the street.

  1. Always wear a helmet:

In order to best protect yourself and other vulnerable road users, when using an E-scooter, ensure that you always wear protective clothing such as a safety helmet, elbow pads and knee pads.    You should also wear light colors or fluorescent clothing so other road users can see you.   These measures are important for your protection from serious injuries and may possibly save your life.

  1. Check your scooter for safety & functionality:

Ensure that your scooter is properly functioning.  A quick test of the scooter is recommended before riding.

 What to do in case of an E-scooter accident?

First, determine which area of the body is associated with injury.  Special care is required in case of neck, back, and head injuries.  Immediately seek medical attention if you are injured.   If there is an involvement of another party, then you should call law enforcement.

Legal outcomes that may arise due to these accidents, include:

Your E-scooter hits a pedestrian:

If an E-scooter hits a pedestrian, then the rider can be held responsible for all the injuries sustained by the pedestrian.

Another vehicle hits an E-scooter:

If the driver of a vehicle crashes into an E-scooter and is at fault, he can be held liable for all the damage to the E-scooter, and the driver must compensate for it.

 E-scooter hits a vehicle:

If an E-scooter causes damage to another vehicle, then the rider of the E-scooter may be at fault and may have to compensate for the damages to the vehicle.

 Injuries and consequences:

A lot of riders don’t wear a helmet or any protective gear and E-scooters are very easy to fall.   Researchers found that E-scooter riders sustained more injuries per mile than bicyclists and were twice as likely to be injured because of potholes, pavement cracks, lampposts, and signposts.  E-scooter accidents can cause cervical, facial and head injuries.  Torn ligaments, broken jaws, ankles and wrists are also common injuries as well as traumatic brain injuries, which can further cause internal bleeding and lead to coma or even death.  E-Scooters are not a toy and should be treated with the same care and caution as when operating any other type of motor vehicle.

Hilton and Somer, LLC: Motor Vehicle Accident Attorneys Serving Maryland, Virginia, and District of Columbia

If you’ve been injured on, or by an E-scooter due to the negligence of another, contact Hilton & Somer, LLC today to learn more about your legal options.  All our accident cases are handled on a contingency fee basis.  This means that you pay nothing unless we recover a monetary reward for your case.  Contact our experienced team, or call us now, to schedule a free consultation! (703) 560-0700



