Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim

Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim

Filing a Workers’ Compensation ClaimBeing injured on the job is unfortunately more common than you might think.  If you have been injured not only, could you be unable to work, but you may also be faced with expensive medical bills.  The only positive is that there is a good chance you will qualify for workers’ compensation benefits.  Here are some steps you should follow in order to be eligible for workers’ compensation.

Report Your Injury to Your Employer As Soon As Possible.

As soon as you’ve been injured on the job, or have become sick as a result of your employment, you should notify your employer.  Many states have time limits for reporting or filing an accident report, so it is imperative you report the injury right away.

File a Claim

After you have notified your employer of your injury, they should provide you with the information you need to file a workers’ compensation claim.  They should then submit this information to their insurance company.  If they do not provide you this information, you should contact your specific state’s workers’ compensation agency immediately!  You should also file a Claim for Benefits form directly with the Workers’ Compensation Commission or Agency in your state regardless whether your employer is paying voluntarily for your medical treatment and a percentage of your weekly average pay.  Again, there are time limits within which to file this form.  By doing so, you will protect your rights should your employer for any reason stop paying benefits.

What Happens if my Claim is Denied?

After the insurance company investigates your claim, you will be notified if it is approved or denied.  If it is denied, you have the option to appeal the decision.  In order to effectively fight the decision, it is advised that you contact an experienced workers’ compensation attorney to understand what legal options you may have.  They can help with the appeal process as well as work with the insurance company.

Hilton & Somer, LLC: Workers’ Compensation Attorney

If you have been injured on the job, contact the experienced workers’ compensation attorneys at Hilton & Somer LLC today for a free consultation!  Let our trusted attorneys fight to get you the compensation you deserve.   Call now: (703) 560-0700

References for, “Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim”: